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How to Prevent Accidents in the Workplace

The average employee experiences 4 out of 10 accidents each year, costing employers about $51 billion annually in worker’s compensation, as those injured seek treatment, physical therapy and workers compensation in order to help them recover both physically and financially from the impact of the injury. Workplace accidents can be serious and even life-threatening, costing employees’ lives and employers’ money. Workplace accidents are preventable, and by taking these steps, you can prevent workplace accidents and injuries.

Accidents happen. That’s just a fact of life. But how you react to that reality can make or break your health and job.

Here are a few ways to prevent work-related accidents and injuries.

  1. Plan ahead. Define safety protocols and procedures in the workplace as well as provide employees with proper safety equipment. Also, train employees to handle workplace accidents, maybe with the help of Skills Training Group. Other than these, have an emergency plan in place and regularly inspect the workplace for potential hazards.
  2. Create a checklist. A checklist is a useful tool for setting priorities. During your planning phase, create a list of your tasks, along with a deadline for each task. Then, prioritize the list, and delegate the tasks that aren’t urgent to someone else.
  3. Take lunch. Eating a well-balanced lunch can dramatically improve your alertness and productivity. (And, of course, there’s the bonus of saving money on overpriced convenience food.)

Even though safety should always be the top priority in the workplace, accidents do happen; in fact, statistics show more injuries in the workplace happen outside of work than at work. Workplace accidents happen for many reasons, such as safety violations, carelessness, and unsafe working conditions. If you work in a high-risk environment, such as a factory or construction site, you have additional hazards to contend with, such as heavy machinery, forklifts, and power tools. You may be more likely to injure yourself if you lack the training or proper safety equipment. The most popular work-related injuries include broken bones, sprains, lacerations, strains, and head injuries.

Employers are responsible for the safety of their employees while they are at work. Nobody wants to be involved in an industrial accident, but these accidents do happen. Employers are required to create and maintain a safe working environment by working to prevent accidents. Accidents in the workplace aren’t necessarily the fault of the employee. But keeping workers safe on the job requires employees to be alert and aware of their surroundings. Employers can help in the prevention of accidents by:

  1. Creating a safe working environment.
  2. Providing employees with adequate training.

Workplace accidents are all too common, and while job-related accidents account for only 7.9 percent of on-the-job fatalities, they account for 21.6 percent of all fatal occupational injuries. The American Institute for Safety and Health reports that 2.7 million workers lose their lives each year due to occupational accidents. Proper safety measures based on specific tasks can help prevent accidents in the workplace. Of course, workers in Portland or anywhere in America have the right to claim compensation in case they are injured at their workplace. Nevertheless, always remember that it is the responsibility of employers to ensure that safety practices and measures are present.

Safety is always important in the workplace, but accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. To have the peace of mind that your employees or colleagues are as safe as possible, you can invest in an Accident Alert System, which immediately notifies you if an accident occurs. Moreover, you can equip your workers with high-grade safety equipment such as helmets, chemical-resistant gloves (purchased from unigloves or any other store), rope-harness, and protective suits. Such measures can help you prevent further injury and even death. Safety in the workplace is vital to any successful organization, and employers need to develop and implement policies to ensure their workplaces are secure.

Workplace accidents can threaten the health and safety of the entire workplace, reducing productivity, harming employees, and damaging the company’s reputation. Unfortunately, the nature of many jobs creates a risk of workplace accidents, which occur at the time of injuries, mistakes, and hazards. Safety in the workplace is paramount. Injuries cost companies a lot of money in lost productivity. Often, these injuries are preventable, and other times, they are caused due to human factors. It’s not hard to figure out how to prevent workplace injuries, but it’s more important to realize that even the best prevention efforts aren’t foolproof.